Presenting at a conference is an excellent way to network or promote your research, and looks great on your CV! APAGS has a couple of options for you to do both at the 2017 APA Convention in Washington, DC! This post will contain helpful information to help you decide whether you would like to submit a proposal for a poster or a program.
Poster Proposals
- This is a great option to share your awesome research!
- No data? Don’t worry! Poster proposals may consist of literature reviews, theoretical analysis, case-study, or meta-analytic research.
- If you do have data, you should provide it!
- Analyzed data is a plus!
- If you don’t have data, but are collecting or analyzing, tell us about it!
- Speaking of literature reviews, make sure to cite your sources, provide information demonstrating the importance of your topic, and why your research is essential for graduate students.
- Well-developed posters have a clear method(s) section, a precise hypothesis, and (if applicable) straightforward connection to a theoretical framework.
- Are the research questions, data collection, and analysis plans appropriate? Be sure to justify your question and analyses.
- Have you abided by the 300 word limit? Please note the word limit does not include your reference list.
Program Proposals Proposals are a great option for multiple presenters to share relevant information which goes beyond research tailored for a poster. For example, perhaps you want to help graduate students better understand political psychology, or maybe you have knowledge of how psychologists can use their skills abroad. The options are endless!
Here are some tips to help you put together your program proposal:
- APAGS program proposals can be symposia, conversation hours, or workshops. This is different than a paper or poster session in which research is presented.
- Programs can cover a range of topics; however, we look for programs that are applicable and relevant to graduate students.
- Presenters typically have expertise with the topic presented, and should be prepared to answer questions from an informed audience. If you are including panelists or multiple presenters, be sure that graduate students have some type of involvement as well.
- Most programs are 50 minutes, though outstanding 1 hour and 50 minute programs may be considered.
We are excited and interested in graduate student research and programming, and invite you to show all of APA what you got! You can submit your proposals to APAGS by Thursday, December 1st at 5pm Eastern. Get more information on submitting a Convention proposal to APA.
Editor’s Note: This post was authored by Lora Henderson and Julio Brionez, members of the 2016 APAGS Convention Committee.