Defending Virtually: A “New Normal” for Doctoral Candidates

Allie Smith @creativegangsters

Like many graduate students, the last two years of my graduate career have largely consisted of preparing for my dissertation proposal and final defense. In all of that time spent analyzing and re-analyzing data, reading literature, writing, and editing non-stop, I had never envisioned that part of that process would involve figuring out how to propose virtually.

My committee members and I narrowed in on a date one day prior to my institution closing for the remainder of the semester. I was set to propose in-person the following week. To ensure that the proposal went smoothly and as scheduled in an online format:

  • I dedicated part of my time to practicing my presentation via Zoom with my family who served to help me troubleshoot issues ahead of time;
  • I made sure to have a strong internet connection;
  • I religiously monitored my email for any incoming messages from my committee members indicative of issues accessing the platform;
  • And I took deep breaths.

Luckily, no major technical issues arose and after two hours I was asked to exit the meeting so that the committee could privately come to a decision. Fifteen minutes later, I received a text from my advisor to re-enter the call at which point I was told that I had successfully passed my oral proposal. I remember letting out an excited “woohoo!” as my committee members congratulated me. (And I wasn’t even on mute!)

As the calls and texts poured in from family and friends, I felt a mix of emotions: Accomplished for being one step closer to graduating; grateful for the flexibility and commitment of my committee members to see me through this step – and for the distant support of my loved ones in the midst of preparing for what the pandemic was to bring; and also a small amount of grief for the celebratory hugs and high fives I knew I would not receive in person.

Nevertheless, as I now gear up to schedule my defense and look ahead to my possible future as a social psychologist, I decided to interview an APAGS leader on his process of defending a dissertation from home.*

Q: Could you please briefly introduce yourself?

My name is Alvin P. Akibar, I’m a sixth-year doctoral candidate in Experimental Psychology at the University of North Texas. My minor is in Research, Measurement, and Statistics. I’m originally from Queens, NY by way of Houston, TX.  And I successfully defended my dissertation at the beginning of April.

Q: Was your defense open or closed to other people?

My department tends to have open defenses as a standard and sends announcements out to students and faculty. I shared the meeting information with some friends and colleagues on social media, but there was definitely some attention to keeping to the meeting manageable given recent issues with Zoom “bombing.” To help negotiate that balance, while the meeting information was relatively public, I set up the meeting to have a waiting room so that a member of my committee or I would need to let in each person.

Q: What made your experience defending from home different from those of your colleagues or others who have proposed in-person?

As much practice as I might do in my living room, it was strange to then continue the entire defense there. I felt a little disconnected, especially given my experience with my thesis defense in the department. The community in my department is one where faculty and students alike give encouragement throughout the day, especially while the committee is in deliberation. I had not realized just how impactful it was for one’s department community be the first to acknowledge the milestone post-defense until current circumstances made it no longer a possibility.

Q: Were there any pros to defending virtually?

While in some ways it was a bit isolating with respect to my department, it was honestly amazing to have friends and colleagues, many of whom I met over the course of my graduate studies, be able to watch and send encouragement from across the country.

Q: Did you run into any complications as you were setting up your virtual defense or defending?

Having webcam issues on a regular day might be a minor inconvenience, easily remedied with a quick trip to the store or to a repair shop. Having webcam issues prior to a dissertation defense during a time that those places are closed or sold out of supplies becomes much more of a task.  I do now have the knowledge and tools to take apart and repair my laptop’s webcam but having some sort of backup camera would have saved a lot of time and stress.

Beyond that, as my committee was now working from home, we had a few additional hurdles to the historically simple process of getting the paperwork signed by everyone. Even more than before, I definitely relied on the help of my department’s graduate coordinator who came to my rescue and helped navigate basic tech support with my committee.

Q: What tips would you share with others who are about to defend their dissertations from home?

While it is important to take care in planning details of the milestone, not everything may go according to plan. It is okay and even natural to feel strange about having to suddenly change course and adjust expectations. Everyone is trying their best, and there is no need to stress yourself out over minor hiccups.

Q: Lastly, how did you celebrate your successful defense?

Well, celebration plans definitely had to be adjusted a bit. While a dinner is still happening at some point, pending travel and social distancing restrictions, later in the day I defended, I caught up with loved ones on the phone, and watched a few of my favorite shows over pizza.

* Alvin is going to be a panelist in our APA Webinar on April 30. Register or watch previous recordings in our Staying On Track series.

Zeljka Macura is a doctoral candidate in Applied Social Psychology at The George Washington University and a current intern in Early Career and Graduate Student Affairs at the American Psychological Association (APA). Her research interests are heavily focused on social psychological determinants of obesity, with an emphasis on health behavior promotion and intervention, as well as the application of social psychological theories in the context of social media to promote physical activity and healthy dietary behavior.

APA’s Pandemic Care Package for Students

We, the staff in APA’s Early Career & Graduate Student Affairs, continue to offer our best wishes for your safety and well-being. This is our second “pandemic care package” and we’ve hand-picked a few of the top resources provided by APA and related organizations to assist you during this time. Please feel free to share this with your networks.

New resources:

Continuing resources: 

What else would you like to see?  Send us an email – your concerns are our priority.

What Works for Me While Working From Home

Living in uncertainty and working from home is the new normal for most of us. We find ourselves working from home in the role of an employee, manager, home-school teacher, or student, dealing with anxiety about the new unsettled and unknown days ahead. If you feel stressed, you are not alone. We all are doing our best to navigate this uncharted time.

In the past few years, working from home has been the norm for me. I have had the opportunity to work from home to complete my current PhD program as well as serve as an online adjunct instructor. So, you might say, I am a bit of an expert on how to get work done while at home.

I would like to share four tips that have helped me work home with ease:

1.  Create a schedule prioritizing the top 3-5 daily tasks from the most important to the least. Make sure your tasks are realistic and can be accomplished within that day. By doing so, you can minimize crises and endless tasks, focusing focus your attention on what is urgent and immediate. Grouping similar tasks can maximize your efforts. For example, if you need to make several calls, make them at a specific time to reduce interruptions. Or set aside a block of time to pay bills, complete your work, and run errands. Also, try to answer all your emails at a designated time, rather than sporadically as they each come through.

2. Do difficult tasks during your high-energy time. Complete tasks that are important first, when your energy level is at its peak and your concentration is highest. I would suggest assessing your energy level during the day to determine when your energy is at the highest so that you will know when to work on top-priority goals. You will discover, as you work at your highest level of energy, you are more alert and focused and you will typically feel more energized.

3. Multi-task when possible. If you are in a position that requires caring for others while working at home, you may find that certain tasks can be done simultaneously. For example, it may be ideal to use flashcards or listen to audio recordings as you cook dinner or while supervising children’s homework/playtime. You can preview reports, skim summaries, review definitions, brainstorm ideas, outline a paper, quiz yourself or explain a chapter and its concepts/terms out loud. Any work that requires deeper concentration should be saved for your time alone. Completing more than one task at a time can free up additional hours for self-care or relaxation later.

4. Finally, reward yourself. After you have accomplished enough tasks to motivate yourself and keep going, rewarding yourself can be beneficial. For example, if you finish tasks in advance, make sure to reward yourself by taking that spare time and use it for your leisure. Perhaps treat yourself to an extra healthy snack, read a few book chapters, or enjoy a privilege you normally would not indulge in.

Remember, during this unique time, the most important thing is your health and well-being. While these work-from-home approaches work for me, find ones that work best for you. Try different strategies until you find the right fit that can be used even after the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided.

Author: Valamere Mikler MA, LSSYB, APA Leadership Development Fellow

For more tips on working from home from APA, see Psychologists’ advice for newly remote workers.

No One Prepared Us for Graduate School during a Pandemic: Quick Tips for Graduate Students

By Jill Jacobson, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist

Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

In this time of uncertainty, one thing is clear: This semester is not going as planned! I recently participated in an American Psychological Association (APA) webinar for psychology training directors, called “Nobody prepared me for training during a pandemic,” and I realized that many graduate students might also find that this webinar’s title resonates with them. Faculty and students have been gearing up for distance learning over the past few weeks, and thanks to colleagues from near and far, many helpful technology guides and self-care resources have been shared with students. As a faculty member and training director, I’m often struck by the passion, pro-activity, and perseverance of our graduate students. This semester I am once again in awe of the ways our students are navigating the current circumstances with resilience and creativity. Graduate students who are able to continue their training this semester may find the following tips helpful as they make the most of their training during this time. [For those that have been personally affected by illness or loss, please know that our hearts are with you.]

  • Pay attention to your emotions: It is normal to feel a wide range of both positive and negative emotions right now. Take time to reflect on your feelings and identify ways to cope. Everyone has been affected by the pandemic in some way, and we are all adjusting to these circumstances. Part of that process is modifying our expectations about what this semester will look like. Based on how you’re feeling and your unique situation, consider modifying your expectations for productivity.
  • Structure your time: The hours, days, and weeks are running together. Some of our typical daily rituals might have been lost–getting ready for work, packing your lunch, commuting to campus, attending meetings and class, going to the gym, etc. It can be helpful to add some structure back into your day, whether it’s through a full day schedule of activities, weekly or daily to do list, or simple ritual around writing or active time. Keeping a log of certain activities, such as your research, can help you stay focused, share your progress with others, and start up again quickly if you take time off.
  • Be a focused and helpful distance learner: In addition to familiarizing yourself with technology tools and following guidelines sent by your instructors, it’s important to participate fully in your online learning activities. We’re experts at multitasking, but try signing off email and putting away your phone while you’re completing class requirements. You’ll learn more and feel more productive! Keep in mind that many instructors are new to distance learning. If something isn’t working for you, please share your feedback in a constructive way, such as emailing your instructor with an idea for improvement.
  • Check in with your advisor and other key individuals: Since you won’t have the opportunity to pop into your advisor’s office for a quick meeting, you’ll have to find other ways to touch base this semester. Take a proactive approach and reach out to your advisor, supervisor, and other key individuals to check in and let them know what you’re working on. For example, set up a virtual meeting or send regular email updates. Importantly, let others know if and how your work is impacted right now–many of us are managing child/elder care, scheduling, and high stress. If you can’t complete work or make adequate progress, talk to your advisor or program director about your situation and document this communication.
  • Keep in touch with your classmates: Remember those quick chats between classes and topics you kept discussing long after class ended? The conversations that used to happen on the fly can (and should) still take place! Schedule time to video chat and share activities with your classmates. There are so many creative ways to connect, such as meeting for a meal over Zoom, sharing Google slides showcasing what you’ve been working on and doing outside of work, gathering for a Netflix party, and participating in virtual events hosted by your program. In addition to staying social during what can be a very isolating time, this will help maintain your sense of connection and engagement within the program.
  • Look for the silver lining: This semester your training has been marked by compromise and sacrifice, and it is normal for you to feel grief over the loss of the training experiences you were counting on. In addition to practicing self-care strategies, consider the silver lining: Is there something that you can learn this semester that you wouldn’t ordinarily be able to learn? What skills might you develop or enhance? For example, how can you use the time you are no longer commuting to/from campus? Perhaps there is a workshop now available as a webinar or at a discounted rate. You might also be able to contribute your skills and knowledge in a way that benefits the community, such as helping develop online modules or resources. As we’re adapting to distance learning, all of us have the opportunity to learn something new along the way.

Jill Jacobson, Ph.D., Assistant Clinical Professor, is the Director of Training for the School Psychology Doctoral Program at the University of Maryland–College Park. She is a Licensed Psychologist and Nationally Certified School Psychologist. Dr. Jacobson’s research and professional interests include effective supervision practices, school psychology training, and consultation.

Disability Resources for Students, Paid trainees, Faculty, and Supervisors during COVID-19

This post was authored by Dr. Angela Kuemmel of Louis Stokes VA Medical Center and Dr. Rebecca Wilbur of Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center.

Q: I am a trainee with a disability that compromises my immune system and puts me at high risk for complications from COVID-19. Can I request reasonable accommodations even if I didn’t have them before COVID-19?

The U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission has updated their guidelines on PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS IN THE WORKPLACE AND THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT in response to COVID-19. Per these guidelines, employees with disabilities that put them at high risk for complications of pandemic influenza may request telework as a reasonable accommodation to reduce their chances of infection during a pandemic.  The Job Accommodation Network lists possible accommodations for individuals with suppressed immune systems or other disabilities. The Network also has resources specific to COVID-19 and the ADA.

Q: What resources for students with disabilities do you recommend?

Q: What resources can you share for educators and educators?