Category Archives: Graduate School

Talking to Clients about Their Sexual Histories and HIV Testing

Talking to Clients about Their Sexual Histories and HIV Testing

By David Martin, PhD, ABPP (Senior Director, APA Office on AIDS)

Talking to Clients about Their Sexual Histories and HIV Testing

It is important to talk with your clients about their sexual histories and about the importance of HIV testing. (Source: The Stigma Project on Flickr. Some rights reserved.)

June 27 is National HIV Testing Day.  Of the estimated 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States, approximately 20% don’t even know they have HIV. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that everyone ages 15-65 be tested for HIV at least once as part of routine medical care.

Who else should get tested?

  • People who have vaginal or anal sex without using a condom or taking Truvada® (a medication that can prevent HIV infection if taken as prescribed) every day.
  • People who inject drugs and who share injection drug equipment.
  • Even people taking precautions while engaging in these behaviors should be tested periodically.

Aside from considering getting tested yourself, if you are a clinical, counseling, or school psychology student, you should seek ways of integrating information about HIV testing while assessing your clients.

Here’s why:

  • Many psychology practicum and internship sites are located in health facilities where the clients are poor and underserved.
  • Among people diagnosed with HIV, incidence is highest in regions where unemployment and poverty are most prevalent and educational levels are lowest.
  • Lack of socioeconomic resources and unstable housing are linked to riskier health behaviors (e.g., earlier initiation of sexual activity, less frequent condom use), which can lead to contracting HIV.
  • Ethnic minorities, notably African Americans and Latinos, are at disproportionate risk for HIV.

Here are 5 things you can do to address HIV testing with your clients:

1. Talk to your clients about HIV/AIDS.

When seeing a patient for the first time, or during initial assessment, a portion of the evaluation should always entail a health screening anyway. Integration of HIV-risk questions is not hard:  “Do you have a regular doctor? … Have you ever been tested to see if you have diabetes? … high blood pressure?  … problems with your thyroid?  … problems with your liver?  … been tested for HIV?  Treating HIV as just another health issue to which the client should attend should help reduce any feelings of HIV-related stigma.  There are a number of medical history outlines available; here’s one (PDF).

2. Ask about their sexual history. 

I learned to take sexual histories on all my patients when I was in training.  Asking about different specific sexual activities (anal, oral, vaginal sex, insertive or receptive) as a routine part of the interview is critical in assessing risk for HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases. You probably don’t want to start with these questions. The CDC’s Taking Routine Histories of Sexual Health:  A System-Wide Approach for Health Centers (PDF) outlines how to lead up to questions this specific. If you’re uncomfortable (and most people are at first), practice with fellow students or friends—and learn to use language that is familiar to and comfortable for your clients. This would not be the time to stutter in the interview—it would signal your discomfort to your client and make him/her more anxious.

3. Don’t leave out substance use.

It’s important to assess your client’s history of substance use because injection drug use is linked directly to HIV transmission and because alcohol and drug use are associated with increased sexual risk.  Use non-judgmental approaches when asking questions about drug/alcohol use.  One of my former patients admitted to injecting heroin after six months of being clean.  Instead of lecturing him on the dangers of injecting drugs (which he already understood) I put on my empathy hat and asked what had happened.  It was a great opening to talk about the various stressors in his life (which were numerous and profound)—we treated his heroin relapse like difficulty quitting smoking.  The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides a useful list of substance-abuse screening instruments.

4. Talk to your supervisor.

Different supervisors may have different approaches to discussing these issues.  Psychodynamically-oriented supervisors may want to emphasize feelings about being tested, whereas supervisors from CBT backgrounds may focus on skills and specific behaviors leading to testing.  Both approaches are important, and in approaching this topic with clients, the therapeutic relationship is always crucial.

5. Use the tools you have available.

There are several resources to help your clients determine their risk for HIV, including:

If your client tests positive, there are resources available, including informational websites and magazines specifically for people with HIV/AIDS like HIV Plus, Positively Aware, and POZ.

If you would like to know more about HIV and how APA is responding, I invite you to visit our webpage.

Standardized Reference Form: What Students Need to Know

The Fall 2015 round of applicants for internship will be greeted with a new feature that levels the playing field for everyone entering the pool: the Standardized Reference Form (SRF). Over the course of two years, a working group from the Council of Chairs of Training Councils (CCTC) collaborated to improve the process of evaluating applicants in a way that was meaningful to reviewers and equitable for students.

Instead of the sometimes vague letters students may have received in the past, this form asks for writers to speak to specific competencies that are relevant to training in a narrative format. This includes student strengths and areas for growth. We all have both, and now there won’t be a penalty for honest assessments of where students are in their skills and abilities before internship. It even allows for recommenders to indicate the years they trained you, so that the reviewers can see your developmental progression.

We don’t expect this letter to influence the match statistics, but the intention is that it results in a better fit for the intern and the site. CCTC will continue to work with The Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) to evaluate the letter in the next year, allowing the form to evolve and improve over time. Students are welcomed to share feedback about it as well.

Most change requires adjustment and a little anxiety, but here are some “To Dos” to assist students with making this a smooth transition:

  1. Go to the AAPI and download the SRF for yourself to see how you will be evaluated. Write a letter on yourself to self-assess on the competencies being addressed.
  2. Tell all your cohort members to do the same. Spread the word.
  3. Give anyone who may be writing a letter for you a copy of the SRF well in advance, especially if they’ve written letters before. This allows them to have a heads up on the new format, in case they have not yet been introduced. Share the FAQs with them, to answer any questions.
  4. Talk with your recommenders about the SRF and how you see your strengths and areas for growth related to each competency. Make the process collaborative, especially if they have not seen the progression of your skills.

APAGS continues to work on the internship crisis and standardizing the way interns are evaluated is one piece of the larger puzzle. Check back here for any updates about the SRF along the way.

Celebrating Excellent Training – Palo Alto University

Palo_Alto_University_421990_i0In the first of our series on Celebrating Excellent Training, we have an entry from Nicholas Grant highlighting the awesome experience at the Clinical Psychology PhD program of Palo Alto University:

The PhD Clinical Psychology Program at Palo Alto University (PAU), Pacific Graduate School of Psychology (PGSP) is dedicated to putting graduate students first as they train for a career as a psychologist in today’s ever-changing world. The program integrates teaching in both science and practice, with a major focus on diversity as students begin on the lifelong professional endeavor of cultural competence. Perhaps the most influential parts of my training at PAU have been the dedication to diversity in research, clinical work and beyond, coupled with commitment that the faculty and staff have towards the development of the students. From the availability of faculty advisors to the outstanding commitment of the staff, from the Office of Professional Development to the Director of Clinical Training, the entire community unites in order to support students as they matriculate through the program. The training and support I have received thus far at PAU have made me feel confident as a culturally informed psychologist in training who is about to graduate and enter the early stages of my career.

Great job PAU! Keep them coming APAGS! Celebrate your awesome programs!

Candice Crowell

Not waiting for Congress: Graduate student employees fight for paid leave

Let’s give student-parents the opportunity to care for their children without fear of reprisal or financial instability.

In response to an increasing reliance on graduate student labor to teach undergraduates and provide research assistance, graduate teachers and researchers are organizing graduate employee unions in growing numbers across the country to ensure that their workplace rights are honored and their welfare secured. Because most graduate student employees (GSEs) are in the prime years for child rearing, establishing paid leave for student-parents has been a key concern for GSE unions.

Ian Gutierrez, a member of the APAGS Science Committee and the APAGS Chair-Elect, writes an interesting article about being a part of a union as a graduate student employee. Check out his story in APA’s Public Interest Newsletter.

Five (more) reasons why you should go to APA Convention

1) NetworkingNetworking

I said it before, and I’ll say it again; networking works.  APA Convention  gives you easy access to hundreds of potential employers all in one place.  Plus, for those of us that have difficulty with networking and meeting  new people, Convention provides an abundance of conversation starters.

“I really enjoyed your presentation, what can I do to learn more
about working in this field?” or, “Did you go to the Presidential
address? What did you think about XYZ?”

2) It makes you smarterBrain

Like eating a healthy breakfast, or wearing the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw,  going to Convention makes you smarter.  In a study (which I just made up),  students who attended Convention at least once were considered more informed  than the control group who did not attend Convention.  In seriousness,  attending Convention exposes you to ideas outside of your graduate school  bubble, opening you up to new concepts and letting you experience some of the  great work other people are doing that you wouldn’t see otherwise.

3) Easier than reading it in an article

Sure, if you wait a year or two you will be able to read about a lot of the  work being presented at Convention.  But wouldn’t you rather listen to the researcher tell you about it him/herself?  Then you can ask questions, get clarification, or even volunteer to help on a follow-up study.

4) Sessions for students, by students

APAGS kicks ass (or butt) at creating Convention programming you can’t get  anywhere else. The APAGS Convention Committee always develops (in my very  biased opinion) some of the best, most useful programs at Convention. Having trouble finding a mentor, or having trouble with a current mentor? Come to our  mentorship session Turbo-Charging Your Career: Finding and Keeping a Good Mentor.  Are you a non-traditional student struggling with issues traditional graduate students don’t understand?  Come to Non-traditional  Students and Graduate School: Student experiences, Personal Challenges and Open Discussion. These are just a few of the many programs developed to address specific graduate student needs you can’t find anywhere else!

Toronto35) Oh Canada!

Ever been to Canada? Here is your chance to travel internationally and  visit the Great White North. Toronto is a beautiful city, with lots to offer in terms of sight-seeing and nightlife. Come meet some international friends and explore a new culture in a city that is just miles from the U.S.  border. And don’t forget to brush up on your Canadian, eh?


Editors Note: Daniel Reimer is a doctoral student at the University of Nevada, Reno, and the APAGS Convention Committee Chair.